
Hapen Nature Reserve



Date of Proclamation June 27, 1986
Size of Area (ha) 332.7
Primary Object for Protection Wild broad-leaf woods forest; wild animals & vegetations
Scope of Administration Crossing of Wulai Township [Taipei County] & Yuanshan Township [Yilan County]
Authority in-charge-of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute


Being remotely located, it is one of the few untouched & virgin broad-leaf forests in Taiwan. Rich communities of animal & plants; many of whom are rare, or scarce, or on the brink of extinction. Was hunting grounds for Atayal aboriginal tribesmen in earlier days. The Council of Agriculture officiated Hapen Nature Reserve in June 1986.


To its Western end is Jhihliang Mountain, to its Eastern end is Cukang Creek; its Northwestern side is 50km away from Taipei city, its Eastern side is 16km away from Yilan City. It is within the Fushan [Prosperity Mountain] experimental forest. A basin surrounded by ridges of Syueshan [Snow Mountain].

An Introduction

  • Climate:Sub-tropical humid & wet climate. Yearly temperature average 18.4°C; lowest monthly average 10.4°C, highest monthly average 24.5°C.
  • Rainfall: yearly yearly average 2,900mm; humidity 88%.
  • Elevation above sea level: 450 to 1,030 m.
  • Formation: Basin surrounded by ridges of Syueshan [Snow Mountain].

Biological Resources

Typical Taiwanese Northern ecosystem; vegetation inhabitants are camphor trees, persimmon trees, walnut trees, chinquapins & overlaid serrated leafed trees.

Plentiful water sources bring variety of species of animals, like moths, butterflies, jaw fish; amphibians like frogs, snakes, lizards & other reptiles; migratory birds & mammals [like monkeys]; also crabs too.

Wildlife Habitat

Hapen [Kazakhstan] Creek & Cukang Creek run on both sides of basin; waters less than knee-depth, many rocks & cobble; water temperature 15.8°C to 21°C; ideal habitat for fishes & invertebrates. Also attracting many mammals, amphibians & birds.

Long-term ecological research

The “Long-Term Ecological Research [LTER]” is an internationally well-respected project, over 20 years of history in the U.S., it is conducting various studies in areas around the globe. The LTER formed the “ILTER [International Long-Term Ecological Research]” branch; Taiwan was the 1st chosen out-station [in 1992], officiated as the “Fushan [Prosperity Mountain] Forestry Ecosystem”, which include Hapen Nature Reserve.

LTER’s principle is to observe, monitor & understand relevant structures, functions & transformations of ecosystems. The ideal outcome is unobtainable within 1 to 2 years and long term tracking is necessary. This is of high academic research value, especially for current drastic global climate changes. Outcome of local ILTER studies will be helpful for future references.

Current situation & suggestions

The region is currently under tight control and guard stations have been set up, regular patrols have also been conducted. With the exception of open public visits for Fushan [Prosperity Mountain] Botanical Garden, all other areas are strictly reserved only for researchers. Preventive measures against fraudulent activities are in place..

Nevertheless, its southern end has a loophole and frequent incidents of trespassing & illegal hunting occur. Botanical garden is also badly polluted by visitors. Strongly recommend reinforced banning & patrols have been implemented.

Transportation Condition

At the crossing of Taipei County & Yilan County; no direct routes are available. Accessible from Yilan via Yuanshan [Yuan Mountain], in the direction of Shuanglian Plateau can access the botanical garden & zone. Prior application & obtainment of written permit are required.


  • Mr. Jhang Fengsyu, Wang Sin, Lin Yaosong, Lu Guangyang, Liou Siaoru, Syu Guoshih. (aka. Chang Feng-Xu, Mr. Wang Xin, Mr. Wang Yin, Mr. Lin Yiao-shong, Mr. Lu Kuang-Yang, Mr. Liu Hsiao-Ru, Mr. Hsu Guo-Shi.) 1986. Kazakhstan Basin Natural Resources Research. Pub. Council on Agriculture [Executive Yuan]. Taipei.
  • Jhang Fengsyu, Wang Ying, Lu Guangyang, [aka. Mr. Chang Feng-Xu, Mr. Wang Yin, Mr. Lu Kuang-Yang, Mr. Zhao Rong-Tai.] 1987. Kazakhstan Basin Natural Resources Research (II). Pub. Council on Agriculture [Executive Yuan]. Taipei.
  • Jhang Fengsyu, Wang Sin, Wang Ying, Ling Yaosong, Lu Guangyang, Liu Siaoru, Syu Guoshih, Jhao Rongtai [aka. Mr. Chang Feng-Xu, Mr. Wang Xin, Mr. Wang Yin, Mr. Lin Yiao-Shong, Mr. LuKuang-Yang, Mr. Liu Hsiao-Ru, Mr. Hsu Guo-Shi, Mr. Zhao Rong-Tai]. 1988. Kazakhstan Basin Natural Resources Research – Project Achievement Summary (I). Pub. Council on Agriculture [Executive Yuan]. Council on Agriculture [Executive Yuan]. Taipei.
  • Jhang Shihhuang [aka. Mr. Chang Shi-Huang]. 1994. Taiwanese Shovel Jaw Fish Ecosystem Research – Kazakhstan Basin. Master Thesis Graduate Zoological Research Division. National Taiwan University [NTU]. Taipei.
  • Jin Heng-Lu. 1996. Fushan [Prosperity Mountain] Ecosystems Research. 2nd ed. Taiwan LTER. Taipei.
  • Chou, L.S., J.F. Yeh, and C. Huang. 1994. Long-term ecological research in Fushan forest-bird community. Pages 419-432 in Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystem, C.I. Peng and C.H. Chou, eds., Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • Lee, L.L. 1994. Long-term ecological research in Fushan Forest-mammal community. Pages 433-440 in Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystem, C.I. Peng and C.H. Chou, eds., Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  • Lue, K.Y., J.K. Chan, P. Wang, and G. Shan. 1994. Long-term ecological research in Fushan forest-herpetological fauna and community. Pages 441-448 in Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystem, C.I. Peng and C.H. Chou, eds., Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taipei.

Animals protected by the region

※ Rare and Valuable species of amphibians

莫氏樹蛙(Rhacophorus moltrechti)
褐樹蛙 (Buergeria robustus)
台北樹蛙 (Rhacophorus taipeianus)
翡翠樹蛙 (Rhacophorus smaragdinus)

※ Rare and Valuable species of mammals

台灣彌猴 (Macaca Cyclopsis)
白鼻心 (Paguma larvata taivana)
食蟹 (Herpetes urva)
穿山甲 (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)
山羌 (Untiacus reevesi micrurus)

※ Rare and Valuable species of reptiles

台灣草蜥 (Takydromus formosanus)
台灣地蜥 (Platyplacopus kuehnei)
台灣滑蜥 (Scincella formosensis)
蛇蜥 (Ophisaurus harti)
台灣鈍頭蛇 (Pareas formosenis)
斯文豪氏遊蛇 (Rhabdophis swinhonis)
錦蛇 (Elaphe taeniura)
飯匙倩 (Naja naja)
龜殼花 (Trimeresurus mucro-squamatus)

※ Endangered Species

林雕 (Ictinaetus malayensis)
熊鷹 (Spizaetus nipolensis)
藍腹鷴 (Lophura swinhoii)
朱鸝 (Oriolus trailli)

※ Rare and Valuable Species

鴛鴦 (Aix galericulata)
松雀鷹 (Accipiter virgatus)
赤腹鷹 (Accipiter soloensis)
鳳頭蒼鷹 (Accipiter trivirgatus)
灰面鷲 (Butastur indicus)
雕頭鷹 (Pernis ptilorhynchus)
大冠鷲 (Spilornis cheela)
鵂鶹 (Glaucidium brodiei)
褐鷹鴞 (Ninox scutulata)
黃嘴角鴞 (Otus spilocephalus)
大赤啄木 (Dendrocopos leucotos)
綠啄木 (Picus canus)
花翅山椒鳥 (Coracina novaehollandiae)
台灣藍鵲 (Urocissa caerulea)
赤腹山雀 (Parus varius)
白喉笑鶇 (Garrulax albogularis)
畫眉 (Garrulax canorus)
竹鳥 (Garrulax poecilorhynchus)

※ Other Conservation-Deserving Wildlife

深山竹雞 (Arborophila crudigularis)
紅山椒鳥 (Pericrocotus solaris)
松鴉 (Garrulus glanderius)
喜鵲 (Pica pica)
青背山雀 (Parus monticolus)
白耳畫眉 (Heterophasia auricularis)
藪鳥 (Liocichla steeri)
冠羽畫眉 (Yuhina brunneiceps)
小翼鶇 (Brachypteryx montana)
紫嘯鶇 (Myiophoneus insularis)
白尾鴝 (Myomela leucura)
鉛色水鶇 (Rhyacornis fuliginosus)
黃胸青鶲 (Ficedula hyperythra)
黃腹琉璃 (Niltava vivida)
紅尾伯勞 (Lanius cristatus)

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