Date of Proclamation |
January 10, 1994 |
Size of Area (ha) |
30 |
Primary Object for Protection |
Kandelia obovata (L.) Druce (mangrove) forest and its accompanying life |
Scope of Administration |
Ba-li Village, Taipei County |
Authority in-charge-of |
Taipei County Government |
“Wa-Zhi” is located at the left bank of the Danshui River, and it is thus named because of its meandering bay which latches jointly with Danshui to the river mouth. Danshui is one of the areas developed earlier by Chinese immigrants, where vessels take berth as of its deep water as early as early Qing Dynasty.In the 12th year of Emperor Yung Cheng, street markets appeared, but the city was dilapidated and deserted later on because of sedimentation times after Emperor Chen Lung . Since the area is typical of river mouth ecology, mangrove will carry along with lots of sand organic materials from, Danshui River, forming swampland . Since the river water is polluted, in addition to illegal sand mining in the area , the survival of mangrove, which also functions for homeland security, is jeopardized. In order to protect the ecosystem formed with mangrove forest, and its accompanying wildlife and plants, Council of Agriculture has officiated in January 1994 the area as “Wazihwei Nature Reserve.”
The areas is located at the on southern side of Danshui River, Ba-li Village , Taipei County. It is surround by Guan-yin-shan [Amidah Buddha Mountain], and Da-tuen mountain forming natural barrier.
Natural environment
Temperature:annual average 22℃; the lowest monthly average around 15℃, the highest 28.7℃.
Rainfall:annual average 2,100 mm.
Altitude above sea level:0-10 m.
Landscape: it sits at the tidal area of Danshui River, and is rather smooth, which is separated into sandy beach and coastal wetland.
Animal & Plant Resources
Mangrove is considered the most precious plant resource of the area, and enjoys high academic value for plant and geographical research value. Reed can also be found growing in the neighboring waters.
Birds, crabs, shell-fishes, and fishes can be seen as Wa Zhi Wei., and they are tiny snails, mussels, oysters, and mudskipper, etc. Besides, over 100 species of birds can be see at the area; mostly migration ones, Chinese egret should deserve the greatest attention for it is one of the endangered species listed by the IUCN. In the last five years, the appearance of chinese egret and other birds is decreasing as of the changes of the local environment.
Inhabitant Environment
Because of the sedimentation and tides of Danshui River, it brings rich organic materials to the area, and has nurtured its special ecosystems. Even though the variety of life is of the area is not that many, the amount of them is tremendous.
Being a wetland, it is highly reproductive, and has attracted many wild birds. During low tide, birds will feed on outer beach. During high tide, the mud beach inland turns into ideal ground for bird habitation. Since birds of the area are mostly migratory species , it is favorable for bird observation from September to April.
In the last five years, The Taipei Wild Bird Society has conducted monitoring program at the area, and it is found that there are tremendous environmental changes in this area. Also, special attention should be given to the sign of decreasing migratory birds coming to the area.
Current Situation and Suggestion
Although signs of warning signage are put up, with fences built up to prevent trash dumping, the area is very much exposed to problems as trash pollution, dumping of waste soil, devastation of land development, and tourist wreckage. Furthermore, rampant docking of vessel in the area has caused tremendous threat to the ecosystem.
Transportation Condition
Bus:Two routes are available; one is from Banchiao to Bali line and the other is from Tachern Street to Bali, and one gets off at Wa-zhi-wei station.
Private Vehicle:One can ride from the direction of Taoyuan, heading for Bali city [using outer Bali circuit ]; if one goes from the direction of Taipei, one will reach Bali ferry pier via Wugu and Guandu Bridge.
- ROC Wild Bird Society. 1992. Investigative Report (1) – Danshui River Coastline Wetlands.
- ROC Wild Bird Society. 1996. Investigative Report (3)/(4) - Danshui River Coastline Wetlands.
- Preservation Research Publication No. 14 – ROC Wild Bird Society. Taipei. Page 120.
- Preservation Research Publication No. 1 – ROC Wild Bird Society. Taipei. Page 73.
- Mr. Lee Ping-Dou. 1996. Guide to Wazihwei Nature Reserve . The Bureau of Agriculture – Taipei County Government. Taipei.
- Taipei City Wild Bird Society. 1997. Investigative Report (5) – Danshui River Coastline Wetlands. Taipei City Wild Bird Society. Taipei. Page 73.
Animals of conservation within the zone
※ Rare and Valuable Bird Species
唐白鷺 (
Egretta eulophotes)
松雀鷹 (
Accipiter virgatus)
赤腹鷹 (
Accipiter soloensis)
老鷹 (
Milvus migrans)
大冠鷲 (
Spilornis cheela)
魚鷹 (
Pandion haliaetus)
環頸雉 (
Phasianus colchicus)
彩鷸 (
Rostratula benghalensis)
小燕鷗 (
Sterna albifrons)
蒼燕鷗 (
Sterna sumatrana)
短耳鴞 (
Asio flammenus)
Visit counts:4978
Last updated on:2024-05-31