火炎山生態教育館是為一幢地上三層樓地下二樓的景觀建築,無論是外觀或內部設計,都以火炎山獨樹一格的天然特色為設計考量。 本館共有五層樓,地下二樓為設施管理空間、地下一樓為地形、氣候與人文的生態解說展場,一樓則以地質、地景為主題,詳盡介紹國內重要地景及火炎山在地地質,二樓則是服務中心,民眾可至此索取館內的導覽資訊,三樓則規劃有多媒體視聽教室,定期放映生態影片,提供民眾保育相關資訊。
- Founding Goal
We expect ourselves to be an important educational center for domestic landscape preservation.
- Characteristics
Huoyanshan Ecocenter is situated in Sanyi Township, Miaoli County. It was opened on April 16, 2005. Our goal is to provide people with the knowledge of cliff landscapes in the Huoyanshan nature reserve, native horse-tail pine forests and the region’s ecosystems, as well as nature’s influence on local culture. We host in-center guided tours and educational events and work with community members to collectively promote preservation work, including area patrol and visitor number monitoring. We look forward to increasing people’s love for Huoyanshan’s nature and culture and inviting them to take actions to preserve this place.
- Area intro
Huoyanshan Ecocenter is a scenic building with three floors above the ground and two underground floors. Both its exterior and interior have been designed to show the unique natural characteristics of Huoyanshan.
There are five stories in the ecocenter. B2 is the facility management space, B1 has ecological exhibition rooms on the area’s terrain, climate and culture, and 1F focuses on geology and landscape, especially introducing the country’s important landscapes and Huoyanshans’ geology. 2F is the service center where people can gather tour information, and 3F is equipped with a multimedia classroom which regularly shows ecological documentaries, in addition to providing related preservation info.
- In-center services
- Visitor inquiries
- Special exhibitions
- Guided tours
- Documentary viewings
- Themed activities
- DIY classes
- Outdoor courses
- Ecological camps
- School education
- Field trips
- In-school promotion
- Preservation seminars
- Teachers’ seminars
- Community empowerment
- Special seminars
- Volunteering training
- Online ecocenter
- Entry application and pre-trip education
Visit counts:4847
Last updated on:2021-12-28