本館由舊員山工作站整建,作為具有推動自然保育及提供旅遊諮詢服務等性質之生態教育館。1F 森林生態系展示空間 :主要為森林生態系介紹,運用互動式導覽裝置,化身為過去的林業工作者,進入森林生態展示空間,讓遊客置身在森林的環境中,倘佯於森林綠海之中。 2F 生態步道暨社區林業展區:提供宜蘭優質景點介紹,包括自然步道以及社區林業等。
- Founding Goal
We are the promotional and educational base for natural preservation in Yilan.
- Characteristics
The ecocenter was originally Yuanshan Working station before it was renovated. It is now used as an ecocenter promoting natural preservation and providing travel information services. We not only welcome people to visit our place, but also work with local communities to promote outdoor education and themed activities. We collaborate with schools to carry out in-school advocacy. We also help to reinforce local communities’ preservation knowledge and training work. We strengthen community development, raise people’s awareness, and implement preservation education programs and related events.
- Area intro
1F - forest ecosystem exhibition space: This place mainly introduces forest ecosystems, using interactive guidance devices. People may get a slice of the life of old-time forestry workers as they meander through a mock forest space, getting immersed in a vast green sea.
2F contains information about Yuanshan’s ecological trails and community forestry, including related scenic spots that are worth a visit. The multimedia room, which can seat 28 people, shows documentaries on forestry ecosystems and environmental issues. In response to current environmental themes and trends, a small exhibition area called the “new conservation village” has also been built. It hosts special seasonal displays and interactive events from time to time.
- In-center services
- Visitor inquiries
- Travel info
- Special exhibitions
- Guided tours
- Documentary viewings
- Themed activities
- Parent-child activities
- Children’s camps
- Preservation stands
- School education
- Field trips
- In-school promotion
- Preservation seminars
- Community training
- Special seminars
- Industry-school projects
- Online ecocenter
- Entry to the reserve
Visit counts:4893
Last updated on:2021-12-28