
Dadu River Mouth Wildlife Refuge



Area( hectare ) 2669.73
Simple Description This Refuge is one of Taiwan's most important wetlands. Here, a Eurasian Curlew (Numenius minutus) takes advantage.

Dadu River Mouth is renowned as the four major wetlands in Asia by world conservation groups. You will find over 2,000 to 3,000 whimbrels, the largest flock of Eurasian curlew found in Taiwan, spend their winters here; over ten thousands sandpipers flying over the sky in various formations in spring and fall migration seasons; little terns and their nests and Kentish plover building their nests and breeding their fledglings in the well-camouflaged coloration of gravel beach; and oyster farmer walking through the tidal flat to harvest oysters after the ebb tide. Here, human and the nature are in one.

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Visit counts:4763 Last updated on:2024-05-30