
Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge



Area( hectare ) 226.38
Simple Description These Islets (Hua Ping shown here) provide a unique breeding ground for rare bird species. Additionally, the Refuge serves as a popular bird-watching venue for many eco-tourists.

Mianhua and Huaping Islets, the volcanic islets, are well preserved in its natural form and volcanic island formation because of its steep landform and use for military control zone. Mianhua islet is a refuge for over ten thousands birds, and Huaping islet is the main habitat for bridled terns and brown booby. To protect the natural habitat and ecosystem from hu~ man damage and to preserve the unique landform, Mianhua and Huaping islets are announced wildlife refuge and are promoted for birdwatching.

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Visit counts:3431 Last updated on:2024-05-30