Yuli Wildlife Refuge



Date of foundation January 27, 2000
Area( hectare ) 11,414.58
Simple Description In 1973, the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency considered that the primary forest in the 32 Division of Yuli District had been well protected with plentiful natural resources so that designated an area of 132 hectare within the division as a protected area with the purpose of protecting the cypress and Taiwaria cryptomerioides forest in the area. In the later survey, it was found that the area was also abundant in wildlife resource and that the range of protection area was extended to covering the whole drainage area of the upper stream of Fongping Stream. In January 2000, the area was officially announced as the 12th wildlife protected area in Taiwan, and the Yuli Wildlife Refuge was established as well.

Yuli is the only wildlife refuge intended for terrestrial animals.  It is situated on the ridge of central mountain range with ample mountains and rivers, diverse landform, and extreme elevations in the regions. With intact environment, and no sand embankment constructed on either upstream or downstream, Yuli offers diverse ecosystems, and nurtures over hundreds of wild animals, of which over 42 are rare or endemic species. Yuli is also the seed bearer reserve for Chamaecyparis formosensis and Taiwania cryptomerioides.

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