
Shih-ba-luo-han-shan Forest Reserve

Date of Proclamation April 10, 2006.
Size of Area (ha) 193.01
Primary Object for Protection Specific topographical and geological landscape
Scope of Administration Compartment 55 of Ci-shan Working Circle for National Forest
Authority in-charge-of Pingtung Branch, Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency
A series of mountains from 200 to 600 meters above sea level stand at the southmost end of Mt. Jade. When being viewed from afar, they seem like the Eighteen Arhats with different sitting postures, pronounced "shih-ba-luo-han" in Chinese, hence the name. The most prominent geological landscape here is the badlands composed of layers of Liouguei conglomerates with diverse clast size formed around the mid-Pleistocene epoch. Around 512 vascular plant species live in the reserve, including some protected rare ones, such as Salvia Tashiroi, Zingiber oligophyllum, and Albizia procera. Rare birds Oriolus traillii and Oriolus chinensis are sometimes spotted as surprises to nature lovers. Miniopterus schreibersii and Hirundo tahitica inhabit the five ancient deserted tunnels, which are discontinued, but intactly preserved, right next to the reserve home

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